University of Žilina
Modern university with 70-years of history
University with a unique modern campus
It currently educates more than 7 400 students
The second largest employer in the region
With its professional profile it is unique in Slovakia
University profile
University of Žilina (UNIZA) with 70 years of history belongs to one of the leading educational and scientific institutions in Slovakia. With its rich tradition it occupies a significant place among Slovak universities. It has seven faculties (the Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, the Faculty of Civil Engineering, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, the Faculty of Security Engineering, the Faculty of Humanities). The university also has the following workplaces: the Institute of High Mountain Biology, the Institute of Physical Education, the Institute of Forensic Research and Education, the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, the Institute of Continuing education and the Institute of Competitiveness and Innovations and the Aviation Training and Education Centre.
History of UNIZA

Aim, mission and vision of UNIZA
The basic strategic objective of the University of Žilina is its formation as a modern educational and science and research institution with a high prestige standing at the forefront of Slovak universities and in a wider European area and its further development based on traditions and creative understanding of scientific, educational, cultural and human mission. The University is able to respond adequately and in advance to a rapidly changing environment by using its innovative potential for the development of the region, Slovakia and European Union.
The Long-Term Plan of the University of Žilina in Žilina for 2021 - 2027
The Long-Term Plan of the University of Žilina in Žilina for 2021 - 2027 (hereinafter UNIZA) declares the university's own identity, defines its mission, vision and determines its strategic procedures for achieving the expected goals.
The main motivation of strategic planning is UNIZA's ambition to improve quality, to strengthen relationships with the society and to penetrate more significantly into the international environment. Strategic plans are structured by area:
- ) focused on fulfilling the main mission of the university - education, research and cooperation with practice;
- ) focused on resource development - people, finance, premises, administration and management.
Each area has set goals, tools to achieve them and indicators that will be regularly evaluated.
Quality of UNIZA
The quality of higher education is the indicator of the level and success of the university.
The quality of higher education is the indicator of the level and success of the university. The quality of higher education at UNIZA is governed by internal quality assurance system of education (IQAS) which was created in accordance with the requirements of the amendment (Act No. 455/2012 Coll.) Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and On the Change and Supplement to Some Acts (Higher Education Act), respecting the areas defined by ESG (Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area).
Magna Charta Universitatum

On 18 September 1988, at the Piazza Maggiore Square, the rectors of 430 universities solemnly signed the declaration "Magna Charta Universitatum". It was on the occasion of the 900th anniversary of the establishment of the University of Bologna – the oldest educational institution in the world. "Magna Charta Universitatum" highlights and legalizes the privileged mission of universities to develop education, science and culture. It forms common principles, uniform structure of educational process, criteria for the quality of education and other activities with a view to mutual recognition of diplomas. Human well-being in the third millennium depends mainly on this. Universities should operate in an autonomous environment that guarantees their creditworthiness. Especially public schools are not sufficiently funded. Cooperation with industrial partners today represents another necessary mission of universities. But business must remain a means and not an end. Universities must not be controlled by an immediate client or external claims, including inadequate expectations of students. Otherwise, they would not fulfil an essential role to produce and disseminate current knowledge. But there are universities that are exposed to an excessive political and state pressure with an excessive government control. Therefore, the "Observatory" Charter was established. It monitors the application of the Bologna Declaration principles in today' s globalized world with market economy. Out of 40 candidates, 25 institutions including the University of Žilina were invited to Bologna in 2005. The solemn ceremony was held on Friday, September 16, 2005, before the Academic Senate in the historic Santa Lucia hall, in the presence of the members of the Bureau, College and rector of the University of Bologna Professor Pier Ugo Calzolari. On this occasion the rector of the University of Žilina Professor Eng. Ján Bujňák, Ph.D. signed the relevant documents.
Final report EUA
This report is the result of the subsequent evaluation conducted by the European University Association within the Institutional Evaluation Program. Subsequent evaluation was preceded by the institutional evaluation of the University of Žilina in 2002. The current process is part of the EUA evaluation of all 23 universities in Slovakia between autumn 2005 and the beginning of 2008.
Person responsible for the content of the current subpage: Ing. Katarína Taranová / +421 41 513 5131 /